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Sigla management ase




The Faculty of Management is one of the essential components of the higher education system in Romania, its foundations standing on the Law on the Establishment of the Bucharest Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies from Bucharest in April 1913. Thus, in the chapter on the content and the unfolding of the educational process, among the subjects to be taught in the Academy in the form of courses and conferences were the Study of transportation, railways, water transport and related tariffs, Industry and trades in Romania and legislation, Industrial Technology, Applied Physics and Chemistry, or Practical Study of Commercial and Industrial Enterprises. During the interwar period and in subsequent years there have been constant action of improving the Academy’s activity, both in terms of the structural organization and educational process.

In November 1919, shortly after the end of the world’s first conflagration, important changes were brought to the “Regulation of the Bucharest Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies Organization and Administration”. By the provision of art. 70 of the amended regulation, the education process within the Academy was structured on three sections with distinct names and contents. The second one concerned the “Industrial Section”, which in 1927 changed its name to “Section II, Industrial Administration”. Till 1936-1937 academic year, the schooling period in the Bucharest Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies was of three years (starting with 1929 a preparatory year was also introduced). The disciplines of the first year were common, while the ones foreseen for the 2nd and 3rd years were divided into: “common courses” and “special courses”. For example, for the second Section of the faculty: Applied Industrial Physics, Accounting in Industrial Enterprises and Trade in Cereals and Derivatives, in the second year of studies, there were 11 common disciplines and 3 special courses. In the third year there were 7 common courses and 4 special courses: Industry, trade and oil legislation; Industrial technology; Accounting in industrial enterprises; Industry and trade of wood.

In 1938 the duration of the courses is set at 4 years. The courses were divided into two categories, but they were called “generalized courses” for the first and second years and “specialty courses” for the third and fourth years, being divided into three sections: I – Economic, Financial and Social Sciences; II – Administrative and Consular; III – Commercial and Industrial. The Faculty of Management finds its place within the last two sections.
In the organizational structure of the Commercial Academy there have been profound changes starting with 1947. Thus, through Law no. 288/1947, the Bucharest Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies and the Academy of Cooperative Studies merged resulting in the Academy of Commerce and Cooperative Sciences, with two large faculties:

  • The Faculty of Commercial Sciences;
  • The Faculty of Cooperative Sciences.

With this name and structure, the institution functioned little, the Law of Education Reform in 1948 changed the name of the academy into “The Institute of Economic Sciences and Planning”, which will be maintained, with minor modifications, until 1967, when the current name was adopted: “The Bucharest University of Economic Studies”.
Between 1947 and 1948, the institute recorded a marked fluctuation in both the number of faculties and their names and the content of the educational process, which had to be focused on the profile of the centralized socialist economy. The Faculty of Management appears during this period initially under the name of “Faculty of Planning and Economic Administration”, having the following sections: Industrial Economics, Agricultural Economics, Commercial and Cooperative Economy. Starting with the 1951-1952 school year two new sections appear: Labor Economics and Economics of Technical and Material Supply.

In the academic year 1958-1959, on the background of the drastic reduction of the number of faculties to 3, the content of the current Faculty of Management disciplines is dissipated, this being largely found in the Faculty of General Economics, with two sections: Political Economy and Planning and Statistics. In the 1960s, major reorganization activities of higher education took place (actions that continued in the 1970s and 1980s). The first results on this line materialized in between 1967-1968, when the name of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies was adopted. The education process was structured on 6 faculties, one of which was called the Faculty of Production Economics, with two sections: Industry Economics and Economics of Agriculture. All the changes that took place within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, under the structure of its organization until 1990, changed only slightly the essence of the established structure between 1967-1968. However, an exception has been the Faculty of Management which, since 1971-1972, has adopted the name of the Faculty of Industry Economics.

A significant moment is linked to the academic year 1974-1975, when the Faculty of Management completed its name, becoming the “Faculty of Industrial, Construction and Transportation Economics”, reflecting more precisely its specter of instruction and the specialization directions of the students attending the courses. We also mention the year 1986, when the faculty merged with the Faculty of Accounting and Agrarian Economics, resulting in the “Faculty of Industry and Agriculture Economics”, with two related departments. This symbiosis was short-lived until February 1990, when the two departments became independent faculties. The changes made in December 1989 meant also changes in both structure and content of the education educational within the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, in order to focus on the market economy specificity. Faced with such a challenge, the faculty has adopted, since 1990, the name of the Faculty of Management, with three specializations: Management in Industry; Management in Construction, Transport and Telecommunications; General economy.

The academic year 1993-1994 marked a new stage in organizing the educational process within The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, by structuring it on modules. According to this system, during the first two years of studies, the students are jointly trained, and then, in the third and fourth years, they are trained according to specializations. It is also worth mentioning that since the 1995-1996 academic year, within the Faculty of Management, the Public Administration Department has been established. It enjoys a great interest among the young people willing to pursue a career in the central or local public administration. Receptive to reforming initiatives meant to propel Romanian higher education on the lines of European exigencies, in the academic year 1998-1999, the Faculty of Management adopts the 24 hours / week program, based on transferable credits system, with two – three paths to deepen the basic specialization.

Starting with 2005-2006 academic year, the Faculty of Management (as well as the entire university) adopted the education system in accordance with the Bologna Process (also known as “3-2-3”, respectively 3 years for the Bachelor’s degree program, 2 years for the master’s cycle and 3 years for the doctoral cycle). Thus, during the first three years of study, the student acquires general knowledge and is apt to perform an executive function in the economic field. In the following years (master’s and possibly doctoral studies) the student will be able to complete his / her training and can occupy a managerial position. During this period the faculty is organized on four departments: The Department of Management, the Department of Economic Efficiency, the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Administration and Public Management. 2010 brings new changes. Thus, the Public Administration Department departs from the Faculty of Management and becomes a stand-alone faculty under the name of the Faculty of Administration and Public Management. A year later, the Faculty of Management encompasses only the Management Department and the Philosophy and Social Sciences Department. Also during this period, the Faculty of Management obtains the title of the best faculty of management in Romania, an acknowledgment of the teaching staff quality and academic community as a whole.


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  • MONDAY – 11:00-13:00
  • TUESDAY – 11:00-13:00
  • WEDNESDAY – 11:00-13:00
  • THURSDAY – 11:00-13: 00
  • FRIDAY – not working with the public